
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : progressive black metal
28death metal; black metal; blackened death metal; metal; progressive metal; experimental; death; progressive death metal; progressive black metal8.68
41progressive metal; black metal; avant-garde metal; progressive black metal; industrial; avant-garde; experimental rock; post-black metal; metal8.65
48black metal; progressive black metal; avant-garde black metal; post-black metal; orthodox black metal; metal; progressive metal; experimental; avant-garde; avant-garde metal; math metal; post-metal; technical death metal8.63
58viking metal; black metal; folk metal; progressive black metal; progressive metal; metal; neofolk8.59
85black metal; melodic black metal; old school black metal; avant-garde metal; symphonic metal; symphonic black metal; psychedelic; metal; avant-garde black metal; progressive metal; doom metal; death metal; progressive black metal8.54
86progressive black metal; black metal; progressive metal; viking metal; melodic black metal; metal; folk metal; technical; norwegian black metal; atmospheric black metal8.54
97black metal; atmospheric black metal; post-rock; post rock; atmospheric; progressive rock; alternative rock; post-black metal; progressive black metal; epic8.53
112black metal; atmospheric black metal; ambient black metal; progressive black metal; ambient; dark ambient; post-black metal8.51
136black metal; atmospheric black metal; progressive black metal; progressive metal; avant-garde metal; avant-garde black metal8.48
189black metal; depressive black metal; suicidal black metal; dark ambient; ambient; experimental; progressive black metal8.43