
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : power thrash metal
121heavy metal; thrash metal; metal; power metal; speed metal; power thrash metal8.49
202power metal; heavy metal; speed metal; melodic power metal; thrash metal; true metal; power thrash metal; metal8.42
1131power metal; speed metal; heavy metal; thrash metal; power thrash metal8.08
1391power thrash metal; progressive thrash metal8.04
1573thrash metal; power thrash metal8.01
2625heavy metal; speed metal; power thrash metal7.92
2757power metal; heavy metal; thrash metal; technical metal; power thrash metal7.91
3926thrash metal; speed metal; power thrash metal; heavy metal; speed thrash metal7.85
5707thrash metal; metal; power metal; heavy metal; power thrash metal7.78
6805speed metal; power thrash metal7.73