
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : post-hardcore
70progressive metal; sludge; experimental; post-metal; metal; post-hardcore; sludge metal8.57
130mathcore; hardcore; metalcore; experimental; metal; post-hardcore8.49
303metalcore; melodic death metal; post-hardcore; hardcore; metal; deathcore; death metal8.34
503alternative; metalcore; alternative rock; rock; indie rock; space rock; post-hardcore8.24
682sludge; post-hardcore; post rock; post-metal; instrumental; doom metal8.19
1065post-metal; progressive metal; sludge; post-rock; ambient; hardcore; post-hardcore8.09
1125post-metal; ambient; sludge; post-hardcore8.08
1434sludge; post-hardcore8.03
1476hardcore; experimental; post-hardcore8.03
1571progressive rock; alternative rock; post-rock; progressive; post-hardcore; rock8.01