
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : old school thrash metal
397thrash metal; metal; teutonic thrash metal; speed metal; old school thrash metal; trash metal; heavy metal8.29
449thrash metal; metal; thrash; speed thrash metal; old school thrash metal8.27
565thrash metal; power metal; heavy metal; speed metal; metal; thrash; old school thrash metal8.22
641thrash metal; old school thrash metal; technical thrash metal; thrash; speed metal8.20
899thrash metal; old school thrash metal8.12
935thrash metal; old school thrash metal; metal; speed metal; thrash8.12
1185thrash metal; heavy metal; metal; groove metal; thrash; old school thrash metal8.07
1496thrash metal; old school thrash metal; classic8.02
1503thrash metal; old school thrash metal; teutonic thrash metal; progressive thrash metal8.02
1653thrash metal; metal; old school thrash metal8.00