
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : metalcore
15power metal; melodic death metal; metal; progressive metal; heavy metal; heavy; death metal; speed metal; melodic metalcore8.73
113progressive metal; progressive metalcore; metalcore; mathcore; hardcore; metal; progressive; experimental8.50
117melodic death metal; death metal; metal; thrash metal; heavy metal; power metal; metalcore8.50
122metal; metalcore; thrash metal; melodic death metal; heavy metal; death metal8.49
130mathcore; hardcore; metalcore; experimental; metal; post-hardcore8.49
133mathcore; hardcore; metalcore; progressive metal; metal; experimental; hardcore punk8.48
170hardcore; experimental; metal; progressive metal; jazz; sludge; metalcore; mathcore8.44
201metalcore; metal; thrash metal; groove metal; death metal8.42
210death metal; technical death metal; brutal death metal; metal; brutal technical death metal; math metal; hardcore; metalcore; thrash metal; melodic death metal8.40
230mathcore; metal; metalcore; hardcore8.39