
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : melodic power metal
131power metal; heavy metal; metal; symphonic metal; progressive metal; melodic power metal; epic; symphonic power metal; melodic metal; progressive power metal; progressive8.48
202power metal; heavy metal; speed metal; melodic power metal; thrash metal; true metal; power thrash metal; metal8.42
212power metal; heavy metal; metal; speed metal; epic metal; epic; modern metal; melodic metal; melodic power metal8.40
245power metal; heavy metal; speed metal; melodic metal; melodic power metal; metal; general heavy metal8.38
425power metal; symphonic metal; metal; heavy metal; melodic power metal; symphonic power metal; epic8.28
522power metal; metal; heavy metal; melodic power metal; progressive metal8.24
566power metal; heavy metal; speed metal; melodic metal; metal; pop; pop rock; thrash metal; progressive rock; hard rock; progressive metal; thrash; melodic power metal8.22
743metal; power metal; melodic metal; melodic power metal; progressive metal8.17
818power metal; melodic power metal8.14
877metal; power metal; melodic metal; hard rock; heavy metal; melodic power metal; speed metal; epic metal8.13