
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : hardcore
5post-metal; sludge; doom metal; metal; hardcore; experimental; progressive metal; atmospheric; sludge metal8.82
8progressive metal; sludge metal; metal; heavy metal; sludge; hardcore; stoner metal; rock; stoner rock8.77
16progressive metal; hardcore; post-metal; metal; rock; punk8.72
21viking metal; post-black metal; post rock; progressive metal; avantgarde; post-metal; sludge; metal; progressive death metal; hardcore; black metal; post-rock8.70
70progressive metal; sludge; experimental; post-metal; metal; post-hardcore; sludge metal8.57
113progressive metal; progressive metalcore; metalcore; mathcore; hardcore; metal; progressive; experimental8.50
130mathcore; hardcore; metalcore; experimental; metal; post-hardcore8.49
133mathcore; hardcore; metalcore; progressive metal; metal; experimental; hardcore punk8.48
145hardcore; folk metal; neofolk; viking metal; pagan metal; power metal; melodic black metal; black metal8.47
170hardcore; experimental; metal; progressive metal; jazz; sludge; metalcore; mathcore8.44