
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : goregrind
2death metal; grindcore; goregrind; deathgrind; progressive death metal; melodic death metal; metal; death n roll; death; thrash metal; extreme metal8.84
317death metal; goregrind; metal; grindcore; thrash metal; deathgrind; old school death metal; death-grind; melodic death metal; grind8.33
524brutal death metal; death metal; grindcore; brutal death; goregrind8.24
825goregrind; death-grind8.14
851goregrind; grindcore; death metal; deathgrind; metal; brutal death metal; grind8.13
874death metal; goregrind; grindcore; brutal death metal; deathgrind; progressive; epic; death; experimental8.13
914grindcore; metal; goregrind; death metal; extreme metal; brutal death metal8.12
1033black metal; goregrind8.10
1358thrash metal; grindcore; death metal; hardcore; goregrind8.04
2353goregrind; grindcore; deathgrind; death-grind; metal; death metal; grind7.94