
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : depressive rock
172progressive metal; doom metal; alternative metal; depressive rock; gothic metal; progressive; metal; death metal; progressive rock; black metal; dark metal; melancholic; rock; death doom metal; death doom; black doom metal; doom8.44
469progressive rock; alternative; rock; shoegaze; alternative rock; melancholic; depressive rock8.26
2989depressive rock; gothic rock; atmospheric rock; doom metal; post-rock7.89
3736black metal; depressive rock7.86
4581black metal; atmospheric black metal; shoegaze; depressive rock; atmospheric metal7.82
5952depressive black metal; black metal; depressive rock; suicidal black metal; metal; rock; post-punk7.77
6886melancholic; depressive rock; death metal; progressive rock; gothic rock7.72
8377gothic rock; doom metal; depressive rock; atmospheric rock; atmospheric; epic; melancholic7.61