
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : death-doom metal
32doom metal; death doom metal; death metal; metal; doom; death-doom metal; atmospheric metal; melodic death metal; dark8.67
75gothic metal; metal; melodic death metal; heavy metal; gothic rock; melodic metal; death metal; doom metal; death-doom metal; technical death metal; old school death metal8.56
144doom metal; death doom metal; death metal; death-doom metal; doom; progressive death metal; melodic death metal; metal8.47
146doom metal; death metal; death-doom metal; old school death metal; death doom metal; doom; metal8.47
159funeral doom metal; doom metal; death metal; funeral doom; death doom metal; doom; death-doom metal8.45
198death doom metal; doom metal; death metal; death-doom metal; doom8.42
265doom metal; death-doom metal; death doom metal; doom; dark metal; metal; death metal8.37
283doom metal; doom; death doom metal; atmospheric; death-doom metal; melodic death metal; experimental; avant-garde8.35
325death metal; metal; old school death metal; doom metal; death-doom metal; thrash metal; brutal death metal8.33
326doom metal; death doom metal; death metal; death-doom metal; gothic metal; metal; gothic rock; darkwave; electronic; gothic; gothic doom metal; atmospheric metal; heavy metal; doom8.33