
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : crossover
545thrash metal; crossover; crossover thrash; hardcore; thrash8.23
736thrash metal; thrash; crossover thrash; speed metal8.17
881grindcore; hardcore; crossover; crust punk; crust; hardcore punk; death metal8.13
1174thrash metal; metal; crossover; thrash; classic metal8.07
1189thrash metal; crossover thrash; metal8.07
1728groove metal; metal; thrash metal; industrial metal; heavy metal; crossover7.99
2074thrash metal; death metal; crossover; grindcore; punk; thrash; grind7.96
2117alternative; rock; alternative rock; alternative metal; crossover; metal; experimental7.96
2186punk rock; crossover thrash7.95
2210crossover; nu-metal7.95