
Top Artists

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked artists, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : black-thrash metal
120black-thrash metal; thrash metal; death metal; black metal8.50
197thrash metal; blackened thrash metal; death metal; metal; heavy metal; black metal; black-thrash metal8.42
251black metal; thrash metal; thrash; black thrash metal; black-thrash metal; blackened thrash metal8.38
944thrash metal; dark metal; black-thrash metal; blackened thrash metal; progressive metal; black metal; melodic death metal; metal; progressive thrash metal; heavy metal8.11
1878blackened thrash metal; black-thrash metal; thrash metal7.98
1977thrash metal; black metal; death metal; heavy metal; speed metal; black-thrash metal; blackened thrash metal; black thrash metal7.97
2375thrash metal; death-thrash metal; black-thrash metal; old school black metal; blackened thrash metal; metal; death metal7.93
10024black metal; death metal; black-thrash metal; thrash metal; speed metal; old school black metal; atmospheric; metal6.70