
Top Albums

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked albums, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : post rock
1602005instrumental; post-rock; post rock; post-metal8.99
265 viking metal; post-black metal; post rock; progressive metal; avantgarde8.90
3832005post rock; metal; instrumental8.83
8712006alternative rock; post rock; alternative8.64
9792006post-rock; post rock8.61
10772009black metal; atmospheric black metal; post-rock; post rock8.59
11192006sludge; post-hardcore; post rock; post-metal8.58
19352011instrumental; post-rock; post rock8.42
23472015post-rock; post rock8.36
29552007stoner rock; post rock; progressive; stoner metal8.29