
Top Albums

The list below shows the 200 highest ranked albums, ordered by average weighted score as calculated by MetalCrawler.

Filters can be added on genre and weighted score.

 : neo-thrash
11312008groove metal; metalcore; thrash metal; neo-thrash8.57
29392008thrash metal; metal; melodic death metal; thrash; neo-thrash8.29
33162008folk metal; melodic death metal; neo-thrash8.25
46522007death metal; technical death metal; melodic death metal; neo-thrash8.13
57262008melodic death metal; metal; death metal; modern metal; neo-thrash8.04
79602010industrial metal; neo-thrash; alternative metal7.86
80362007thrash metal; neo-thrash7.85
90382003industrial metal; metal; metalcore; industrial; neo-thrash7.76